i am not completly sure if this is considered a self working trick, i believe it is because it requires no special moves or any real skill/sleight of hand. i have also seen this used as a card force. first of all u need to start with the card u want them to choose on top of the deck. usually ill do it with the ace of spades and i will ask them what the most famous card in a deck of cards is, they will usually say the ace of spades, if not just correct them. now tell them that this is cool becuase they will actually be doing this trick, then have them name any number (preferably more than 5 and less than like 40 but dont say this to them). after they name a number all u do is count the cards off the top of the deck dropping them onto the table face down. when u get to the number they said take that card and turn it face up saying and here is your card, then act shocked when it isnt their card. and they will probably think u messed up. then say oh i know what wrong i said u are going to do this trick (then pick up that pile off the table, their card is on the bottom of the pile because it was on the top and it was the first one taken off) place the whole pile on top of the deck and say u count off that number of cards. and their card will automaticly be that number down in the deck.